We Have Our Winner For The 2022 Father Of The Year

To all my fellow dads out there, time to scrap whatever project you've been working on for way longer than you thought you would and put up your feet on the recliner because the Father of the Year race has been locked up by some dad in Cincinnati.

The video has all you need to see from a great dad. A textbook barehanded catch without the assistance of some wimpy glove. Acknowledging the crowd giving him a round of applause while showing off his new souvenir. And most importantly, that bottle of milk does not leave that baby's lips or break suction at all, which every parent knows could've led to some air sneaking in and causing an air bubble in that baby's tummy. Yeah stopping a flying piece of cowhide from hitting your little angel is important. But dealing with a baby that can't get gas out through a burp or fart is pretty much nonstop torture for potentially an entire night. This dad snagging the ball AND keeping the bottle in tact with that baby's mouth is truly the stuff of legends. Because while heroes get remembered...

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For more exquisite parenting from three dads not even on the Also Receiving Votes list of Father of the Year, check out this week's Podfathers on the Barstool Grown Up YouTube where we talk about kids smuggling margaritas into school, how to fly with an infant on an airplane without losing your mind, and the new Netflix show where 2-5 year-olds run errands for their family in town by themselves.

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